Sunday, July 8, 2007

We've been married 7 years exactly today!

I can't believe that we have been married for seven years! We will actually have been together for 11 years on September 12 of this year! Greg and I have been reminiscing about the past a lot lately. We have had a lot of good times together. We've done a lot of silly things together too! We once went to Six flags dressed alike in camoflauge shorts and grey Army t-shirts!

Here is the oldest picture that I have of Greg and I on my computer right now. It is my prom picture in 1997!

We've had a few milestones in our life together. The one event that changed our lives as individuals and as a couple:

I have been truly blessed to have such a wonderful man as my husband. I am also blessed by the life that we have created together!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Congratulations!! I think that 7 years is the time that couples are most likely to get a divorce, so way to go on making it to 7!! You guys are so cute in that prom picture!