Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Food for thought

As I get older, I become more concerned with my health. Lately, I've been thinking about it a lot. I'm not a fan of becoming obsessed with turning back the clock, I just want to feel strong. I want to feel capable and not feel UNable.

Turning thirty years old was hard for me. I am not really sure why. I have never been a person who worried about age. Maybe I felt sad for things left undone or maybe I felt my youth slipping away. Maybe it was a combination of both, who knows. One thing that sticks out in my mind and I associate with turning thirty was the day I was pushing Allison in her little car around the yard. I was only able to push her a few feet before I became winded. That was it for me. I knew my body was aging and I had to be proactive. In my youth, like so many others, I was able to "snap back" to shape. That isn't the case anymore.

I've been wondering lately if my concern over my health is healthy. I watch what I eat (the good and the bad) and I try to exercise regularly. As the summer approaches, I feel a little more pressure. I know I can't turn the clock back on my body, but I do want to feel, as I've stated before, stong. Then I came across this blog: (for some reason I am not able to add a link to my posts - so I listed the entire address, you'll have to copy and paste or use good old google).

This article came at the right time. As a mother, my body is not the same as it was before having my daughter and it never will be. I am okay with that. I do think with so many labels around us, it is sometimes hard to gain a healthy perspective about our bodies. This article summed it up for me. I hope you will take a moment to read it.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I just unearthed the cord to my camera. Out came over six hundred pictures. 600! I won't bore you with 600, but here are a few of my favorites of the last few weeks.

Allison ice skating. I love to watch her ice skate because she is so proud of herself when she accomplishes a goal such as making it across the arena or spinning around.


We spend a lot of time taking Ozzy for a walk and visiting local parks.

This picture is one of my favorites from her birthday party this past fall.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Container Gardening

We have been talking about starting a small container garden this year since the size of our backyard has decreased considerably. While window shopping at the local home improvement store we came accross the Miracle-Gro® Gro-Bag - Scotts Miracle-Gro Have you seen this contraption? Such a neat concept we thought we could re-create by spending a little less money.

So Greg created a box that fit two potting soil bags with left over lumber and we planted our small garden. Allison can't wait to taste the fruit of her labor and has even asked if she could get an extra allowance for watering the plants. Gardening with a five year old is so much more fun than doing it alone.