Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Food for thought

As I get older, I become more concerned with my health. Lately, I've been thinking about it a lot. I'm not a fan of becoming obsessed with turning back the clock, I just want to feel strong. I want to feel capable and not feel UNable.

Turning thirty years old was hard for me. I am not really sure why. I have never been a person who worried about age. Maybe I felt sad for things left undone or maybe I felt my youth slipping away. Maybe it was a combination of both, who knows. One thing that sticks out in my mind and I associate with turning thirty was the day I was pushing Allison in her little car around the yard. I was only able to push her a few feet before I became winded. That was it for me. I knew my body was aging and I had to be proactive. In my youth, like so many others, I was able to "snap back" to shape. That isn't the case anymore.

I've been wondering lately if my concern over my health is healthy. I watch what I eat (the good and the bad) and I try to exercise regularly. As the summer approaches, I feel a little more pressure. I know I can't turn the clock back on my body, but I do want to feel, as I've stated before, stong. Then I came across this blog: www.curvygirlguide.com/self/women-getting-real-about-weight/ (for some reason I am not able to add a link to my posts - so I listed the entire address, you'll have to copy and paste or use good old google).

This article came at the right time. As a mother, my body is not the same as it was before having my daughter and it never will be. I am okay with that. I do think with so many labels around us, it is sometimes hard to gain a healthy perspective about our bodies. This article summed it up for me. I hope you will take a moment to read it.

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