Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Our week thus far!

Greg has been working so many hours lately, Allison and I are starting to have Daddy withdrawls. With Daddy gone working so much lately, it has left Allison and I lots of time to ourselves! Allison has made lots of new discoveries. Monday evening Allison saw her first rainbow and now everytime she sees one (she had one on her pajamas last night) she exclaims, "Momma, Momma, rainbow!" She says it perfectly! She is also starting to learn her colors. This week there has been much focus on the color blue. So everytime she sees something blue she has to point it out and exclaim, "Blue!"
All day Sunday and Monday Allison would say, "kite, sky, kite" - so when we went to the park on Monday I took her kite (which has never been opened). There was no wind whatsoever, but Allison found it hysterical to watch me run around trying to fly the kite!

Today we went to McAlisters Deli for lunch. Allison had a pb&j sandwich, fruit cup and teddy grams all to herself. However, she ate almost none of it (I'm glad their kid's meals are only 99 cents). She decided to have ranch soup for lunch - aka - the dressing that came with my salad. She devoured it! She couldn't get enough of it until I finally took it away after deciding she had had enough and might become sick! I tried to get her to eat it with crackers - nope - she wasn't having it. She did however eat a lot of my salad - for that I am thankful for!

I don't have any pics from this week as of yet. This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago after a dinner of spaghetti - I think the expression on her face is pretty funny!

Here is Allison in her jeep. Please notice her baby doll and her Ozzy doll both riding with her. Having both the baby (this particular one) and her Ozzy doll in the jeep with her is very important!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Okay, I am LOVING your blog!!!! Did you guys have a nice anniversary??!?! The Daddy withdrawal pics are precious!!!! Allison is such a little lady! And thank you a million times over for the boxes! Sorry this comment is going in like five directions at once....see you soon!!!