Dear Allison,
Today you are twenty-two months old. That means that twenty-two months have passed since we first welcomed you into this world. I cannot wrap my brain around that time has passed so quickly. Your father and I laid in bed last night wanting to grab you from your slumber so that you could lay next to us - just to have you with us. We, of course, talked ourselves out of it for fear of the outcome of possibly waking you up - but it was tough!
In my mind I compare the things that we did last summer with what we are doing this summer. It is amazing how much you have grown. Your father has been playing basketball in the evenings with some friends and while he is on the court we are at the playground. You are able to do everything that the playground offers and with no hesitation. As you climb the steps toward the top of the playground you count each step - one, two and then you start back again - one, two. You also like to point out the colors that you see around you.
Another one of your favorite things to do lately while we are out and about is point out the girls and the boys - this of course applies to those who are fifteen years and younger. Anyone who is older is considered a Mommy or a Da. You have such a big personality these days and are really fun to play with. You laugh often, loud and at a moments notice. You are doing really well learning the letters of the alphabet and have started using sentences these days. You will say things like, "Calliou eat apples." or "Daddy, shoes too small."
There are still a few words to decipher such as:
cookie - waffle or an actual cookie
bow - a pillow
towel - a blanket or an actual towel
Not only do you laugh at a moments notice, but you love to dance and whenever there is any type of music whatsoever playing - you will get up to dance or at the very least shake your shoulders in rhythm to the beat.
Tonight, I went to a friend's house for a "sewing party" and upon reminding your father that it was tonight that I would be gone for the evening his main concern was that you would be staying with him - he asked, "Allison doesn't have to go - does she?" He doesn't like his time with you to be taken away. Of course, while I was gone the two of you had a slumber party without the slumber!
I love you my sweet child and could not have ever imagined such a blessing being bestowed upon me as God has gifted me with you.
1 comment:
This is so sweet! I love how you wrote it like a letter!!!! :) Isn't it a wonderful life???!!!!!
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