Saturday, February 23, 2008

Can you guess what she is saying?

" This one for Memaw, this one for me, and this one for Grandma." She then looks at me, her Mom and says, "Oh, Momma - these are for you!" Honestly - word for word.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Our Camping Trip

Last week we went on an impromptu camping trip to Huntsville State Park. I have to say that it was beautiful. There were very few other campers - so it was quite and nice and so much open space! I love camping and the scenery at this park is just so beautiful. Here are a few pictures of our trip.

Greg and Allison on the pier.

Allison holding the boat she made with Daddy:

Me, wearing about 3 or four layers of clothes - seriously!

Allison on our way home:

Ozzy on our way home:

We had such an awesome time camping. I can't wait until our next trip!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Allison wearing Rachel's apron!

Our friend, Rachel, made this cute apron. Rachel, we've used this apron countless times already - thank you for the awesome gift!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Twenty-Eight Months Old!

Dear Allison,
Today you are twenty-eight months old. Okay, you are two years old, but in update world you are twenty eight months old. I haven't written to you in a couple of months and boy have those months flown by. You are incredible. I cannot tell you how fun it is to have you around! Toddler-hood is awesome! I love being able to ask you what you want and you tell me - and actually mean it! I love being able to play games with you. I love the funny things you say and do!

You know, each time Daddy takes the truck - he asks your permission, because somehow along the way it has become your truck and the jeep belongs to Daddy. Oh, and by the way - somewhere along the way the kitchen is mine - I'm not sure I want it!
Whenever Daddy takes the truck - you give him specific instructions on how to drive it with hand gestures. It is so incredibly cute and of course we listen intently - we don't want to mess your truck up!

You still love to play pretend and it hasn't changed much. I have gotten better at it as I had hoped. Although, I'm still not as good as your Daddy. I don't remember playing dolls much as a kid, so it takes me longer to warm up, but I'll get there!
You know another thing that is awesome about having a toddler - I can tell you are listening. You have begun to recite the rules, "Don't touch that - it is danger" or "Show kindness to others" and we are reminded of it often.

You are a pretty easy going kiddo and really always have been. Oh sure, there are things that you are passionate about and times when you are exhausted and tired, but over all - you are pretty awesome. There are two things that are really important to you:

1. You love being home. Sure, you sometimes get upset to say goodbye, mostly when you are tired, but when you get home you are so energetic and everything is new again even when we've been gone only for a day.

2. You are the happiest when all four of us are together: me, you, Daddy and Ozzy. You love it and look around with a pleased smile on your face!

This Mommy gig is pretty important. I sometimes become so wrapped up in the day-to-day things like brushing your hair, or making sure your food is the way you like it, that I forget how I am with you will effect who you become. I guess if I thought about it all the time I would be overwhelmed. Allison, I honestly feel that both Daddy and I are doing well - sure we mess up - lots, but over all - I think we've done a great job! I pray that you think so too!

You know, tomorrow is your Daddy's birthday. We are going to make him a strawberry cake after church. I hope he enjoys it! You took this picture of your really tired Daddy - I think you took a really good picture.

I love you, my brown eyes,

Tag, You're it!

Tag, you're it! You are to tell six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. Here are the rules:

(1) Link to the person that tagged you.

(2) List the rules on your blog.

(3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.

(4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.

(5) Let each random person know they have been tagged.

First rule first, I don't know how to link and can't seem to figure it out! Arrgghh!

1. I don't own a microwave and haven't for quite a few years. We never used ours and I needed the space - so we threw it out!

2. We have three messages saved on our answering machine that are several years old. One from an old friend that has moved away, one from us calling ourselves from a great concert we went to, and our last - Greg's Aunt Sylvia calling to congratulate us on being pregnant with Allison (one of the best messages we've ever received)!

3. I generally hate to be approached by sales people - and I really really dislike car shopping because I don't like to deal with the car salesmen. It's a whole feeling that engulfs me when we are first approached by a salesperson of just ugghh - weird, I know!

4. I love makeup and secretly would love to be a makeup artist although I never wear any. I especially like nail polishes, but never wear them either!

5. I would love to work for the New York Times or even the Houston Chronicle. I love writing, but I love to investigate and write the facts!

6. I love to camp, I love being outdoors. I love to be without the things around me that make the world go and just sit, relax and be quiet!