I love Q & A's (just ask Amy), so I am taking this from Julia's blog!
1. How long have you been a mom? Since October 2, 2005
2. How many children call you Mommy? 1 - more hopefully soon!
3. Girl? Boy? Both? A girl
4. Did you know what you were having? Yes.
5. How old were you when you became a mom? 26.
6. How long were you in labor? 5 hours of induced labor
7. What’s your favorite thing about being a mom? I love seeing how she perceives the world. It is so neat!
8. What’s your least favorite thing? Disciplining
9. Do you want more kids? Yes! Yes! Yes! Although when seems to be changing on a weekly basis.
10. Do you plan on having more soon? Yes!
12. How many times have you been peed on? I think twice - if I remember correctly.
13. Barfed on? Does this count spit up? Allison has only barfed twice in her life - but spit up- countless.
14. Is your child named after anyone? Nope
15. How did you come up with their name(s): We loved the name Allison. We had a boys name, but then we found out we were having a girl. It took us a long time to find a name we actually liked.
16. When your child gets in trouble, who is the bad guy? Me - although Greg would disagree!
17. And who is the good guy? Daddy is the fun one! Which I love!
18. What is the longest you have been away from your children? I think twelve hours or less.
19. Bedtime routine? Depends on who puts her to sleep. Daddy gives her a bath and then will play the guitar and sing to her until she falls asleep. If I put her to sleep it is: bath, books, prayer, and sometimes she likes to be rocked for a little bit. We also like to snuggle alot. It is my time that I really get to snuggle with her!
20. Are your toes painted? Until today -they were painted a bright pink.
21. Last movie you saw in the theatre? I really don't remember. I do love going to the movies - I just haven't been in a couple of months!
22. One thing you will not give up just because you’re a mom? I don't know - they only thing I can think of is sometimes it is hard to balance the husband-wife relationship with the mommy-daddy role!
24. One thing you did give up now that you’re a mom: Vegging out and contemplating!
25. Best mom perk: Getting a chance to do the MOST important thing a human being could ever do for another human being. It just doesn't get any bigger than that. (<- I think Julia said it best!)
Also, I think it is pretty neat that you can make friends with just about any other parent - all because you both have children.
26. Snack that you sneak bites of from your child: Hmmm.. Allison and I share popcorn as an afternoon snack sometimes, but I don't usually sneak bites from her. I'm always gaging how much she eats.
27. When the kids are napping, you are: Chores, reading, or napping.
28. Where are your children now? Sleeping.
29. Favorite place to buy maternity clothes? I don't know - I had such a hard time finding clothes when I was pregnant. I think JC Penny, Target and Motherhood were the places that I shopped most.
30. If I could do it over, I’d do this differently: Spend more time cuddling and rocking with the baby and not worry about time ticking by. Focusing on the gifts of my child and not the challenges. Sticking to my routine, but not being afraid to be flexible (I'm going to have to change with number 2, that's for sure!) (<- Again, Julia said it best -- she of course has a gift with words)
1 comment:
Yay!!! :) I agree that disciplining is my least favorite part! It just means we have to be twice as fun to make up for having to be tough cookies, I guess! ;) We should go see a movie in the theatre together, btw!!!!
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