Tuesday, March 25, 2008


My trusty camera that I purchased two years ago for $299 dollars has recently went kerpluee on me, well actually it continued to flash "focusing error" out of nowhere. And after much online research and contacting the help desk - I found out the fujifilm cameras have a history of this sort of trouble after two years!! I hate finding this out now, but I will say that I loved this camera - it was a great camera for the two years I had it and I was heartbroken that it broke!

I then ventured out into the digital camera market once again. Does anyone remember the digital camera market two years ago - it was horrible. There were only two classes of cameras then (as I remember it) lousy cameras or really expensive cameras. Now, the market is much nicer - there are lots to choose from. Greg actually wanted me to pick a camera that was $200 more than the one I wanted - it was a lot fancier, but for what I use my camera for - I really needed one I could swing around my neck at a playground or the children's museum. I needed one I could stash in my purse - not one that had accessories or one in which I had to learn to use first! So, here is what I went with:

I love it! More optical zoom and megapixals that I had before and I went with my "old trusty" brand - Canon. I am thankful for my patient husband who worked to fix my fujufilm and when it couldn't be done - helped me pick my next camera!


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Big Fat Gini said...

Tamara, you're so funny!
Yes, there are women out there who want to be men. Who knows why, but they do. It's a crazy world!

It was nice to see you at Bunco last week! I hope you can make it to Leah's tomorrow!