Tuesday, January 8, 2008

All rolled into one!

What has been up with us? I haven't posted in so long - in forever it seems. I've even skipped two months of Allison updates - how did that happen? And pictures - I'm not sure the last time I snapped a pic with my camera! (that is a bit scary to realize)

We have been doing really well. We each had our turn at a nasty sickness - I've never been at home so much in my life! We are all now well with a few nasty leftover coughs a day.

We had an awesome Christmas. We celebrated Christmas with our families and were incredibly blessed. This year - we weren't hurried out the door to our next destination. We were able to relax and actually spend time with most of our family. To that I am incredibly thankful.

Oh, the days with a toddler are awesome! I definitely feel I am more cutout for toddler-hood that newborn-hood. The other night Allison and I laid in bed and we played the game - which do you like best. I used to play this game all the time with my brother - it was so much fun to play it with Allison. I learned that she likes ranch dressing better than ketchup (didn't know that) and that she likes candy over cake and ice cream!

Well, Allison literally grew up before our eyes during the holidays. She has outgrown her shy spurt, the things that she knows completely astounds me and she can wash her hair and brush her teeth!!!!

I know this isn't much, but I hope to be able to post more soon!

Oh, and I can't find my usb cord to my camera so that I can load the few pics I do have to my computer. Greg hid it somewhere!!!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Welcome back to blog land!!! :) I have missed you and your updates!!! :) I am so glad you guys are back in the pink of health, can't wait to see you soon!